Notes on O'Reilly Radar's State of the Computer Book Market

For the past several years one of my favorite places to track programming language trends has been the "State of the Computer Book Market" series on O'Reilly Radar.

O'Reilly's Mike Hendrickson dives deep again this year into the statistics and details of the computer book market in a 5-part series:

  1. State of the Computer Book Market 2008, Part 1: The Market
  2. State of the Computer Book Market 2008, Part 2: The Technologies
  3. State of the Computer Book Market 2008, Part 3: The Publishers
  4. State of the Computer Book Market 2008, part 4: The Languages
  5. State of the Computer Book Market 2008, part 5: eBooks and Summary

My high level summary:

Languages ranked by 2008 book sales (%market share, relative to 2007 rank):

  1. C# - 15.58% (‰ Ô)
  2. Java - 12.09% (‰ Ò)
  3. PHP - 9.93% (䈚)
  4. JavaScript - 9.89% (‰ Ò)
  5. C/C++ - 8.36% (‰ Ò)
  6. ActionScript - 5.76% (䈚)
  7. .NET Languages - 5.40% (‰ Ò)
  8. VisualBasic - 5.04% (‰ Ò)
  9. SQL - 4.57% (‰ Ò)
  10. Ruby - 3.51% (‰ Ò)
  11. Python - 3.41% (‰ Ô)
  12. VBA - 3.18% (‰ Ò)
  13. Objective-C - 2.56% (䈚)
  14. Perl - 2.14% (‰ Ò)

The most telling charts from the series:

2008 Market Share by Language:

2008 Market Share by Language

A Treemap view of the Programming Languages:

A Treemap view of the Programming Languages

Percentage of 5 Year Sales Per Quarter by Media Type:

Percentage of Lifetime Sales Per Quarter by Media Type

(Images copyright O'Reilly Media, and used without asking permission first -- will definitely take them down if necessary.)

Mike goes into far more detail on each topic over on Radar. Start reading the series here.