Shiny and new

new unto

New and improved! The migration of to longer-term servers is almost done. I ended up going with John Companies thanks to the advice of Matthew and Brett. Basically it is another VPS host, but this one is more than enough to power this little site, and will be enough to launch the new project. And they support (not just with their words, but with a great discount) open source development.

Total time to migration: 4 hours. 1 hour on Sunday doing the research (thanks to the recommendations of others), 1 hour doing basic system setup yesterday morning, 1 hour migrating the actual software last night, and 1 hour cleaning up the little pieces this morning. I flipped the switch around lunchtime. So if you can read this, you are hitting the new servers. Though the old DNS records won't fully die until later tonight, so you might still hit the old machines off and on.

Updates on the project will pick up again tomorrow. I'm still avoiding letting it cut in to work hours at all, so I just need to budget time. And also my apologies if I owe you an email. Tonight I'll try and catch up. (Sorry, no picture on this one.) [Update: So I added one. Whatever. I don't make a living at it.]